I love collecting meaningful quotes. When I find especially good ones, I post them on Facebook and Instagram and save them to my Pinterest boards. Where do they come from? Well, I find a lot of them in the books I read. It’s not a secret. I love to read. Every year, I set a reading goal. Usually, I set it at 50 books. My reading lists are hugely varied. If you look at this post about my favorite summer reads, you’ll find fiction, history, young adult novels, and even juvenile literature. If the story is a good one, I’ll probably Read More
101 Ways to Be Kind And Promote Kindness
Lately, I’ve been thinking about kindness. In a world that seems increasingly angry, cruel, and unforgiving, kindness is needed more than ever. So I started making a list of easy ways to be kind. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time or money. And the returns you get for being kind are always bigger than the effort you spend. Did you know that in September the world celebrates several special days that focus on kindness, charity, and serving others? It starts on September 5 with the International Day of Charity. This day focuses on alleviating poverty in the Read More
Favorite Books to Recommend: Summer 2018 Edition
Technically, summer won’t be over until mid-September. But since school began last week, it certainly feels like it’s time to wrap summer up and prepare for autumn. As part of my summer wrap up, I’m reviewing my favorite best books read this summer. My reading goal for the year is 50 books. As of today, I’ve hit the 48 mark. I always try to get ahead on my reading during summer vacation because once school starts again, my schedule gets busy and my reading rate drops. Since early June, I’ve read nineteen books. Here are a few of my favorite Read More
10 Best Ted Talks About Happiness
Have you watched a TED Talk before? You can find them on YouTube or on the Ted Talk website. They are usually 10-20 minutes long and can be on a huge variety of subjects. I like to watch them because most of the topics are uplifting, interesting, and overwhelmingly positive. That’s not always the case with information you find online these days. Lately, I’ve been watching a lot of Ted Talks about happiness. In doing research for various topics, I often find myself listening to Ted Talks. Want to hear about some of the latest research on gratitude? There’s a Read More