My husband and I recently watched Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, a highly acclaimed documentary about Fred Rogers and his long running public television show, Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood. I have childhood memories of watching the show, but they are pretty vague. As a child, I did not realize what Mr. Rogers was trying to teach me. I only saw the show as entertainment. One thing that stood out to me while watching the film was how much Mr. Rogers wanted children to know they were valued and important. Mr. Rogers and his show have been the subject of many books, films, Read More
12 Funny Picture Books For Your Favorite Children
I’m a huge fan of children’s picture books. I loved them when I was a child, kept a few of my favorites through my teen and young adult years and splurged on them when my own children were young. Now that my kids are mostly grownup, I still have a bookcase (okay, two bookcases) filled with picture books. I was recently in a great independent bookstore near my home that specializes in children’s books. My young adult and teenage children were with me and none of them wanted to leave. Why? Because children’s books are so much fun! Seriously, well-written Read More
World Kindness Day is November 13
I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of negative news stories. I just survived the U.S. midterm elections. In my nearly 50 years on the planet, I have never seen a more contentious, vile, and downright ugly election season. I’m ready for something uplifting. How about you? November 13 is World Kindness Day. What if we set our differences (political or otherwise) aside and focus on kindness for a while instead? I’m thinking we could make a bigger difference in our world by doing this than all the promises politicians have made in recent months. I recently Read More
365 Days of Happiness: A Book Review
Over the summer, I was contacted by a representative of Jacqueline Pirtle, author of 365 Days of Happiness: Because happiness is a piece of cake!, and offered a complimentary copy of the book. The words “free” and “book” are two of my favorites, especially when put together. I said I’d love to see the book and thanked her for thinking of me. A few weeks later, the package was delivered. I was impressed to not only receive the book, but a cute cupcake bookmark and a personal note as well. And then the school year began, my kids went back Read More