I’m not much for making resolutions. I never seem to keep them and just feel discouraged when I break them. Perhaps it’s because I’ve set goals that are too lofty. Or maybe resolutions are often too restrictive. Usually we try to give something up or promise to stop a certain behavior. It’s often what we think we should do and not what we really would like to do. These days, instead of making resolutions, I make a list of things I’d like to do or explore in the new year. It’s feels less prohibitive and more positive to me. I’ve Read More
Favorite Reads, 2018 Edition
Every year, I set a goal to read 50 books and for the past 10 years I’ve met that goal. In 2018, I finished 65 books. It has become a custom for me to list my favorite reads at the end of each year. It’s fun to look back and remember all the great books I’ve read in the last 12 months. It’s also fun to share those favorite reads with my friends, family, and blog readers too. I keep track of my reading lists on Goodreads.com. It’s an amazing source of book information and once you join (for free) you Read More
The Best Gifts Ever
How many articles have you seen lately promising the best gift ideas ever? Perhaps you’ve had a few emails promising something at a great price that is sure to please anyone. Maybe you’ve searched in vain for that “perfect” gift. I have the answer you seek. No. Seriously. I know the what the best holiday gift is. The best thing to give someone at the holidays (or really anytime) is the gift of yourself. Corny? Yes. But true nonetheless. There is only one you and to the people who love you most, you are enough. Your children might be making Read More
Do You Know Your Human Rights?
On December 10, much of the world celebrates Human Rights Day. The United Nations established Human Rights Day in 1948 when U.N. General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). 2018 marks the 70th anniversary of celebrating Human Rights Day. The values promoted in the UDHR are just as critical today as they were in 1948. The UDHR consists of 30 articles. They claim basic human rights for every person. The declaration is not legally binding, but is the basis for many international treaties, constitutions, and laws. Over 48 countries (including the U.S.) voted on and Read More