Practicing Mindfulness: My Mental Health Walk

This morning I took a walk. Not for my physical health, but my mental health. I’m sure it did my body a little good, but I wasn’t walking to log miles and get my heart rate up.  This was a reconnect, slow-down, and smell the roses kind of walk. And it felt so good. I’m thinking of adding a regular mental health walk to my self-care routine.   What is Mindfulness and Why Should I Try it? I have been trying to practice mindfulness on a more regular basis. Mindfulness is a technique that includes focusing your awareness on the Read More

My Springtime Bucket List

What is a springtime bucket list? No, I’m not planning on kicking the bucket before summer. My springtime bucket list is just a way to push me into doing things I’ve been waiting on and living life a little more intentionally. I like the idea of creating a bucket list, but I have found that my bucket list grows and grows and I never do anything on it. Perhaps it’s because I’m procrastinating, thinking I’ll do it “someday.” Maybe it’s because several of my items require a bigger budget than I currently have. Or possibly it’s because life has a Read More

Happiness is a Warm Bowl of Soup

If the weather in your area is anything like mine, a warm bowl of soup is just the thing you need. Okay, I live in California where it’s a little chilly and rainy, but I know many of you live where it’s much, much colder. Homemade soup is one of the things I most look forward to as the weather turns wintry. I pull out the recipes that have been waiting all summer, get my slow cooker ready, and stock up on ingredients. Each member of my family has their favorite and I have recipes to suit every taste. February Read More

5 Ways to Celebrate National Library Lovers’ Month

Dear Library, how do I love you? Let me counts the ways. I love the multitude of books found on your shelves. There is something for me to read, no matter what my interest is. I love the peace and quite found inside your walls. You are a refuge from the hustle and bustle of daily life.  I love the services you provide to make my community a better place. Children can come to reading hour. Adults can receive literacy training. Everyone can check out a movie, a book, a music, or even an ebook. All you need is that Read More