There have been a lot of tears in my home lately. We had to say goodbye to our sweet little dog last week. Lily suddenly got sick over the weekend. By Thursday morning, it was clear she wouldn’t recover. I usually publish a new post on Fridays, but I just couldn’t get it together. I can’t believe she’s gone. Sure, she was older, and I knew she’d had a few health issues lately, but she went downhill so fast. It was very dramatic. Words cannot express how much she will be missed. My dad came to spend the day Read More
11 Ways to Show People You Really Care
It seems everyone lives such busy lives. We are always rushing from one activity to the next. Our eyes and attention are constantly attached to our phones, our computers, our televisions. In the hustle and bustle, we sometimes forget that it’s often the simple things that make life worth living. Sure, a grand vacation is wonderful, but so is a walk in the neighborhood with someone you love. You can take that walk a lot more often and at much less expense. Its the same with showing people you care. Grand gestures are great, but it’s the every day, seemingly Read More
When Anger Disrupts Our Happiness
There are numerous studies that show how dangerous holding onto to anger can be. It not only disrupts our happiness, but it can also damage our relationships, injure our professional lives, and literally make us ill. Everyone feels anger. We are all human and anger is a basic human emotion. The key to keeping anger from having a negative influence in our lives is to recognize it for what it is and find positive ways of dealing with it. Don’t get me wrong. I get angry. In fact, I spent a number of years being really angry at several things/people. Read More
Literary Romance: 21 Love Quotes from Books
In honor of Valentine’s Day, I thought I’d share some of my favorite literary love and romance quotes. Of course, they come from some fantastic books. I have included a link for each book in case you’re interested in reading the whole thing. Some of these quotes will be very familiar to you, but maybe some of them are new. New or old, hopefully they will inspire you. Doesn’t everyone love a good romance? I’m not talking about the genre of book (shirtless pirate on the cover) so much as the type of story that makes you hope and dream. Read More