My Fall Bucket List

I cannot believe it’s already fall. Not that I’m complaining. I love this time of year. From farm-fresh apples and pumpkin spice treats to cooler weather and cozy sweaters, Fall is probably my favorite season. Since I created bucket lists for spring and summer, it only makes sense to make one for Fall. Reviewing my summer bucket list is a good idea too. It was a little hit or miss, but I’m hoping my fall bucket list will be more successful.     Summer Bucket List Review 1.  Eat As Much Fresh Summer Fruit as Possible I always do a good Read More

My 3 Biggest Blogging Challenges

A year ago, I began looking into how to start a blog. It was something I had been thinking about for a while. My husband was on an extended trip out of the country. My kids were back in school, and I was looking for an outlet. I finally had some time to do what interested me.  After some online research, I decided I could do it. My Cup of Cocoa was born. There have been ups and downs on my blogging road. But I am still enjoying the journey. First, let me say that I am not a technical Read More

You’re Looking at a Sunshine Blogger Award Recipient

When I started My Cup of Cocoa almost a year ago, I did so without any thought to other blogs, blog culture, or my place in the world of blogs. That’s probably because I knew next to nothing about all that. I started because I wanted to put a little more positivity into the world. I was tired of all the negativity, anger, and hate I was seeing online. And so My Cup of Cocoa was born. A few weeks ago, it was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award. I am so honored! Thanks to No Happy Accidents for the Read More

National Courtesy Month: 15 Ways to Celebrate

September is National Courtesy Month and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Part of the reason I began My Cup of Cocoa was in reaction to the negativity, hostility, and meanness I was seeing in our world. This blog is my attempt to counterbalance all of the negative things with positive, happy, and uplifting ones. We don’t have to look very far these days to find someone behaving discourteously. It’s on the news, the internet, on the roads we drive, in the businesses we frequent. One of the best ways to respond to discourtesy is with kindness and Read More