My Favorites Things – Holiday Edition


Is it okay to start talking about the holidays yet? Sorry, but it’s my favorite time of the year, probably because many of my favorite things happen in the next two months. I figure once Halloween has past and November has arrived that I can start thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas and all the craziness that will take place between now and New Year’s Day. Maybe you celebrate other holidays either instead of or along with the ones my family celebrates. Either way, life gets pretty busy between now and the end of the year.

I was in a very nice, very expensive department store last week in San Francisco. They had their holiday decorations up. At first, I thought “already?!?”, but they were actually very pretty and posted a picture on Instagram. I don’t know why I reacted that way. I’ve been doing a little Christmas shopping here and there for weeks now. We’ve made plans for Thanksgiving dinner and I’m looking at my planner to schedule in when we can go get our Christmas tree. If I’m totally honest, I love this time of year. Sure, there are things to complain about (it sure gets dark early and all the yummy fresh fruit I love is out of season), but there are lots of things to be happy about too. So when you enter a store and are hit with a visual assault of red, green, and sparkles, think back to this list or start your own.





My Favorite Things-Holiday Edition


  • Gravy

    It’s my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner, although pumpkin pie is pretty good too. To be honest, most of the dinner is great. My family usually goes pretty traditional, but we often try one new dish just for fun.

  • Finding a great gift for someone I love

    It’s the best feeling when you find that “perfect” gift that you know they’ll love.  It doesn’t always happen, but when it does, it’s magic. Making others happy usually makes us happy too.

  • Putting up my wreath

    I love to see it when I come home each day. It’s just a great way to make home feel welcome to myself and to everyone who comes to visit.

  • Watching my kids plan and get presents for each other

    We’ve always encouraged our kids to give gifts to each other. When they were younger, we’d make sure there were opportunities to earn extra money around the house and then take them to Target to pick out things for each other. They’ve always loved to watch each other open their gifts. I hope it’s taught them that giving brings as much happiness as getting.

  • Receiving holiday cards from friends I don’t see much anymore

    I know that we’re supposed to be reducing, reusing, and recycling, but I love getting holiday cards. I celebrate Christmas, so I usually send out Christmas cards, but I have friends that wish me a “Happy Holiday” or “Happy Kwanzaa” or “Happy Hanukkah” and I love all of them. It’s just great to touch base with people who have been important to my life and the lives of my family, especially those who live far away.

  • Christmas memories and traditions that remind me of my childhood

    The holidays bring back memories of my grandparents (all gone now), my childhood home, and all the magic of being a kid at Christmas. I recently discovered a recipe online  that is just like something my grandmother used to make. I’ve made it for a few holiday meals now and my brother and I couldn’t be happier. The scary thing is it involves Jello and Cool Whip, two things we never eat anymore.

  • Going for an after-the-feast walk with family

    After filling up on gravy-covered food, it’s good to get out and stretch my legs. I am fortunate to live in California where the weather is usually cooperative enough to let us take a walk. When the kids were small, it was also helpful to get them out and burn off some of their cooped up energy. Now it’s just good to get some fresh air and walk off some of the calories.

  • A “Real” Christmas Tree

    It was always tradition in my family to go together and cut down a fresh tree. I’ve only had two Christmases without one and they just didn’t feel like Christmas to me. I m often tempted to buy an artificial tree, but my kids won’t hear of it. They like the tradition we’ve continued.

  • Time off with my family

    The craziness of school and work slow down a bit and we get to have more time together. The older my kids get, the more I appreciate this. I like doing jigsaw puzzles in our pajamas, having time for a leisurely breakfast (or, it’s really more like brunch), and playing with new gifts together.

  • The Spirit of Giving

    People just seem to be more willing to share this time of year. I just sent two bags of food to school with my kids for the annual food drive. There is a toy drive at our local bookstore. There is a food pantry donation marathon every year on the local television station. Sure, there are always some grinches out there, but overall, people seem nicer and more generous.


The Best Things in Life Aren’t Things

Looking over my list, it’s easy to see that the best things in life aren’t things at all. The best things are moments spent with people we love (either in person or via mail or telephone), memories of those times, and letting those we love know how we feel about them. The holidays are a time when we should slow down and remember our favorite things (even when they’re not really things at all). It starts with Thanksgiving and thinking about what we have to be grateful for.  It comes with letting go of keeping up with what everyone else is doing, getting, and spending and, instead, embracing the people we love the most, slowing down enough to spend time with them, and being grateful for all we have to share with them.


best thing in life


I know this week has been a hard one for many people. One of the reasons I started this blog was to produce positive content for the internet at a time when so much of it seems the exact opposite of positive. I truly believe there is always a silver lining, a new sunrise, or a hidden gift that we just need to look for and hold onto. If you are struggling with the latest news or with the holidays in general (I know it is a difficult time for many people), try making a list of your favorite things and share one or two with me in the comments.

Thanks for reading and sharing!

