17 Quotes About Reading to Inspire You


If you go back and look at this blog’s history, you’ll see that I post a list of great quotes every couple of months. I collect quotes that interest and inspire me. Reading quotes are a perfect fit for me. Why? Because I love to read. My love of reading came early in my life and it has never left me. Maybe you don’t consider yourself a reader. If that is the case, I’m sure you’ll find a quote for you here anyways. And if you are a reader, then these reading quotes are especially for you.

I’ve written before about the high value I place on reading. You can check out my summer reading suggestions here. I also recommended some great read-aloud books in a post titled “Get Caught Reading.” Most recently, I recommended a great book of happiness tips. And, of course, if you can read this, you should thank a teacher. I wrote about teacher appreciation in May 2018. If your interested in good quotes like I am, check out a few of my past quote posts. I tend to make quote lists of my favorite things: dog quotes, chocolate quotes, and literary romance quotes.


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17 Reading Quotes For Every Type of Reader


1. Who doesn’t love a good fairy tale? I mean, it’s the stuff of dreams and childhood. I think I’m old enough to read them again. Are you?


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2. Part of what I love about reading is where it can take me. I’ve traveled all over this world and to many others via books.


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3. Reading also makes a place in my busy schedule for quiet time. And who doesn’t need a little more quiet in their lives these days?


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4. One of my first favorite authors was Dr. Seuss. I loved “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” so much that parents can still recite it from memory. And they haven’t read me a bedtime story in 40 years.


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5.  My parents read to us a lot when we were kids. And I read to my children too. As a teacher, I always stressed the importance of reading together. It is one of the best gifts you can give your children.


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6.  Of all the quotes I’ve collected here, this is one of my top five favorites. Make reading fun and the battle is won.


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7.  Long before books about magic and wizards were best sellers, Dr. Seuss understood the magic of reading a good book.


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8.  For me, reading is often a great escape. And,these days, I often feel like I need one. How about you?


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9. Books have many powers, but you have to read to access them.


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10.  Another of my top favorite reading quotes. I might be a dangerous woman!


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11.  Some great advice from another childhood favorite, Roald Dahl.


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12.  Don’t you like the idea of holding a dream in your hands? What dream would you pick? Go to your library and check that dream out!


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13.  Do you agree with Jane? Is a well-written book always too short? I suppose it is, but those 900 page behemoths can be intimidating.


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14.  Have you ever found yourself in a book? What book was it?  Did you like what you found?


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15. Given the times we live in, this reading quote really speaks to me.


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16.  I have a hard time giving up the books I own. Sometimes I lend them, but not freely. I want my books to come home to me. Is this because I see them as my possessions or my portals?


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17. Here it is, the last of my reading quotes. I like it because I love history. Someday, we’ll all be stories. We’ll be part of history.


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When I create a post that focuses on quotes, I always make a shareable picture for each quote. I do this so my readers can shares their favorite quotes more easily. Please use the social media buttons to share the quotes that speak to you. It is my belief that sharing positive things on social media makes the world a better and happier place. And we all need a better, happier world.


As always, thank you for reading and sharing. Please leave your comments in the section provided below. I’d love to know which reading quotes are your favorites.






